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Bikers for Christ Motorcycle Ministry is an "ON-FIRE, LOVING, EVANGELISITIC, EXCITING, DYNAMIC, EFFECTIVE AND FUN MINISTRY" with members all over the United States and overseas. Our members rumble around the world on their motorcycles proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord! This web site is an outreach of the Texas Chapter of Bikers for Christ.
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    Welcome to the Internet home of Bikers for Christ - Texas!

  • Motorcycle Ministry

    BFCTX is a state-wide Texas motorcycle ministry!

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Welcome to the internet home of Bikers For Christ Texas. We’re so glad you dropped in for a visit! Please feel free to browse through our site to learn about this ministry.If you have any questions after reviewing these pages or would like to get in touch with someone in your area, please visit the Chapters link at the top of this page.
Bikers For Christ members from all over Texas are actively serving at formal and informal biker gatherings and events on any given weekend. Be sure to keep up with opportunities to ride, fellowship and minister to fellow bikers by regularly checking the state-wide calendar. Experience this ministry and the power of God first hand!

Follow us on Facebook and pray for us as we serve God every day.

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This website!  You're visiting our new and improved website that is chalk full of information, resources and ways to connect with Bikers for Christ.  This web site is here as a focal point on the "Big WWW" for motorcycling ministry.